Tim Laudenbach

Tim Laudenbach

Tim Laudenbach is Digital River’s director of risk management and fraud operations, responsible for developing and deploying customized fraud strategies for client organizations as well as managing day-to-day operational volumes. Tim has an extensive background helping companies manage risk with industry-leading techniques and technology.

How Brands Can Identify (and Combat) Emerging Fraud Threats

While spring is often seen as a symbol of sweeping change and rejuvenation, the most enduring changes tend to happen gradually and incrementally. It’s no different when it comes to e-commerce fraud. Brands and bad actors are engaged in an ongoing, slow-moving chess match, with subtle strategic pivots met with corresponding moves to cover up…

Preventing In-Store and Online Retail Theft

Retailers jumping to capitalize on e-commerce trends have embraced omnichannel, which continues to gain favor as a business strategy for brands. However, innovation by brands to appeal to shoppers is also finding favor with an unwanted audience: thieves. There has been ample progress within omnichannel organizations in recent years, as shoppers can now check product availability…